Play • Explore • Learn
Full-time Daycare and Preschool
(3 months to 5 Years)
After-School Program (up to 8 Years)
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Curriculum

Welcome to Playhouse Daycare!

Welcome to Playhouse Daycare!
Dear Parents and Guardians
My name is Aisha Gumel and I am the founder and director of Playhouse Daycare.
Established in 2007, Playhouse Daycare has grown into an effective and most sought after early years academy focused on educating young children in a safe and innovative environment.
It is a place where your child not only receives a great education but they have fun and learn through play. Our children are given the right to become confident, inquisitive and acquire the skills they are curious about.
What We Offer
A safe and nurturing environment for children 3-23 months of age that puts child well-being and individual development at the center of the programme. Our daycare programme specialises in infant and toddler care in a contented setting that young children are enabled to be cared for in a fostering space, reach their developmental milestones and have social interactions with like aged children.

Playhouse’s Pre-School Programme is a learning space offering early childhood education to children between 2 and 5 years of age. We provide an engaging and interactive atmosphere for progenies where they can build their educational foundation and become joyful and enthusiastic learners.

Primary One
We offer a private prep class for graduated pre-schoolers, that is equivalent to ‘Primary One’. This course supplements the solidification of their educational foundation and prepares them further for their lifelong learning journey.

After-School Programme
The After-School Programme is a robust session for children from 2-8 years of age that offers a variety of clubs that will satisfy individual children’s interest. This programme offers fun activities and opportunities to reinforce learning from school, teach social skills and encourage good citizenship.

Playhouse Daycare Values
Learning & Fun
At Playhouse Daycare we understand that when children are having fun, learning becomes more gratifying, engaging and effective.
Children's Safety
Safety of all that come to Playhouse is a top priority. Our staffs have been First Aid & CPR certified.
Delicious Menu
We prepare tasty balanced meals and snacks that provide the Playhouse children nutrients and energy to fuel their day.
We know that safe, responsive, and nurturing environments are an important part of supporting the learning and development of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.
5 Pedagogical Principles
The Educational Program applied at Playhouse Day Care takes into consideration the development of the whole child and incorporates the parents.
Each Child is unique
We believe that every child is unique and has his or her own temperament and learning style. The child brings this uniqueness into each new experience and takes an active role in the process of learning through their engagement in these experiences.
Child Development is a Comprehensive, Integrated Process
We believe that giving children a wide variety of opportunities to actively explore, manipulate, question, and discover can best facilitate cognitive development.
Children are Primary Agents of Their Development
When children feel capable, they are more likely to meet their obligations, sign on for new tasks, try their hardest and feel good about what they do.
Children Learn through Play
When children feel capable, they are more likely to meet their obligations, sign on for new tasks, try their hardest and feel good about what they do.
Cooperation between Childcare Personnel and Parents
Where parents and schools work in harmony, pupil progress is effectively monitored and any gaps in development – or conversely, areas of excellence – are easier to identify. This enables teachers to effectively plan support.